BEWARE: Working with clay may be addictive! April Felipe ‘She was as lost to Them as They were to Her’ Ceramicists know something others...

11th Biennial Mid-Atlantic Clay Conference
​ October 1-4, 2015 4-H Educational and Conference Center Come play with The Clay Connection at the Biennial Mid-Atlantic Clay Conference...

The Power of Many
The Power of Many By Lilianne Milgrom Creating something out of clay is awesome, whether it’s a functional bowl or a figurative...

Dia de los Muertos Calaveras
Feliz Dia de los Muertos! In honor of the Mexican celebration of Dia de los Muertos, we have created our own clay Calaveras or sugar...

Ceramic Pumpkins - A How to Guide
Halloween is in the air here at Alexandria Clay Coop and ceramic pumpkins and jack o'lanterns are the name of the game. Once you create...

Alexandria Clay Co-op
Alexandria Clay Co-op is the legacy of Creative Clay Studios and all the people who came with us from that studio. In late November 2013...